Monday, June 16, 2008

TWD peppermint cream puffs...

Absolutely divine!

This recipe, chosen by Caroline from A Consuming Passion, was amazing. It was originally supposed to be a cream puff ring. I read that other TWD bakers were having problems with their "rings" collapsing, so I took the petite cream puff route.
I have made pate a choux (or choux paste...or cream puff dough...) many times before, and was anxious to try Dorie's recipe. LOVED it. The cream puffs had the exact flavor a cream puff should have, and were also the perfect consistency...crisp on the outside, moist on the inside.
It was also relatively easy to pull together.
The chocolate on the outside & the crunch of the almonds just added an extra wonderful flavor and texture.
This will definitely be made in my kitchen again, and again, and again...!!


  1. Anne Marie, your little puffs look so beautiful and tasty!! Well done!!! I think I'll try this recipe again and leave the puff in the oven longer. From what I've read that seems to be the key!

  2. What pretty puffs! I love reading your blog. I love the bolded words and layout. I want your pesto, too.

  3. So cute! They look eminently poppable.

  4. Beautiful puffs. They belong on a magazine cover. And in my kitchen. So I can eat them.

  5. These look so tasty! I am learning to bake as I am raising money to take my autistic brother to Disneyland before he has to enter assisted living. This looks like a winner to sell at work. I am going to try to find the recipe now. Great job.

  6. This recipe reminded me how much I like cream puffs. I hadn't made them in forever. There are definitely going to be more of them in my kitchen this summer.

  7. yuuum! Your puffs look delicious!

  8. They look really beautiful, and delicious!

  9. Wow, those look perfect! Great job Anne Marie!

  10. petites are fabulous!!! by the way i love your posts...they are so short and to the point and yet packed with information. i need to adopt a shorter version of my rambling thoughts as well...!

  11. Really pretty and puffy too! Glad you enjoyed them!

  12. Still standing next to the mailbox ... These look delicious!

  13. The cream puffs look so delicious! Great job!
    Shari@Whisk: a food blog

  14. What purdy puffs you have there! Great job!
    Clara @ I♥food4thought

  15. Absolutely gorgeous - just right for puffiness and luscious cream.

  16. These look divinely delicous. Great job.

  17. You're obviously a pâte à choux master! Those cream puffs look like they came straight out of a French patiserrie!
