Friday, November 7, 2008

stuffing the bird...

One of the first times I cooked a turkey I read about stuffing it with root vegetables, mostly onions. Let me preface this by saying that I am not the biggest fan of bread stuffing that has been cooked inside the turkey, so this approach of using vegetables instead was very appealing to me. I tried it, I loved it, and have been doing that ever since.
My favorite way is to use a combination of onions, carrots, celery and a turnip, or two. This creates the most amazing stock/juice, which then makes a fabulous gravy. The carrots and turnip do not even need to be peeled. The intention is not to eat the vegetables, just use them for flavor.
Season the inside of the turkey cavity with salt & pepper, prepare your vegetables (depending on the size of your bird, this could take quite a few of each type of vegetable) and stuff the turkey.
And as for traditional stuffing?? It definitely still has a place on my table. I just make it and bake it {separately} in the oven.


  1. Do you have a good stuffing recipe that doesn't start with stovetop or some other brand of prepared stuffing? That doesn't so much exist in Venezuela and I'm looking for suggestions...

  2. I don't stuff a turkey or my bra.

  3. I don't like stuffing the bird either. I always bake the stuffing separately. Diane cracks me up!

  4. I'll have to try this. I love that you have this blog and I love that I met you at Wingers!

  5. Still my fav recipes for Thanksgiving! Love ya!
