Thursday, August 20, 2009

chicken teriyaki foil dinners...

chicken tenders (2-3 per person)
carrots; sliced
green onion; sliced
sugar snap peas
salt & pepper
teriyaki sauce (I used Yoshida's)

Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
Tear as many foil squares as you need (one per person), and go a little larger than you might think on these. On each square place 2-3 chicken tenders and season with salt and pepper. Add a handful of sliced carrots, onions & sugar snap peas and drizzle with teriyaki sauce. Bring two sides of foil together and wrap tightly, repeat with remaining foil. Place on a baking sheet and bake for 30-35 min.

I got this fabulous idea from Melanie at My Kitchen Cafe. However, when I went to get the recipe my internet was down so I had to make do. I have no doubt that Melanie's recipe is fabulous (as all of her recipes are!!) but this was delicious, as well. We really loved it and will definitely be making it again soon. It was so quick and easy. I just steamed a pot of rice to go along with it and we had a delicious dinner. (And just like Melanie's kids...mine loved having their own little foil packets on their plates)


  1. Teriyaki would be a FABULOUS version of this foil packet dinner. My husband loves teriyaki - I should surprise him with this variation.

  2. Even I could do this. It looks yummy. Do your kids know how lucky they are?

  3. Seems incredibly delicious & super yummy.

    If you don't mind, would you check out my newest blog post?

    I'd appreciate it.

  4. how fabulous, I was looking for something fast and easy this week. I will try it. Thank you Anne-Marie.

  5. okay, I am back. I made these tonight for my family and it was yummy! Thanks AM for such a great idea. I LOVE YOUR SITE!!!

  6. Can you make it with just the chicken in the foil? If so how long do you think I should cook it?
