I hosted a bridal shower for my niece about a month ago (ahem...) and am FINALLY getting around to posting a few of my favorites.
The cheese platter is just an assortment of great cheese...chard's of parmesan (the good stuff), a wedge of blue cheese and a delicious brie. Pair all of those with some parmesan and thyme crackers, slices of green apple and candied pecans and...wow. Yum.
I was so happy with the way the cookies turned out. The monogrammed cookies are easier than they look. I just printed out a lot J's in a font I like in the size I needed and covered the paper with wax paper. Then piped white chocolate on (basically tracing the J's), add sprinkles before it dries and then pop on top of the wet frosting.
This is just the beginning of the sugar cookie madness. Teacher appreciation week was last week and I helped out with the luncheon...100 flower cookies! I'll post soon(ish!)