Wednesday, December 1, 2010

If you're happy and you know it...

These were fun to make and made me very happy!
No specific recipe...just sugar cookies (THICK sugar cookies) and royal icing.


  1. I'm giving you an award! I know, like you care ;-) LOL Go to my blog for details.

  2. how did i not know about this blog?? did i know and forget? i only noticed it on tristan's BiaB awards list, and thought "is that my annemarie?" indeed it is.

    i want to eat your food all the time. seriously, if you could be my personal chef, it would be great. mull it over, get back to me.

  3. I love your blog! The recipes, the pictures....everything. I am an elementary school teacher and I hope the teachers at your school appreciate the delicious food you share with them. They are so LUCKY!
